Privacy statement


Stichting American-European Community Association (Netherlands) is strongly committed to privacy issues, and this privacy statement details our approach on such issues for this website. By using this site you agree to the use by Stichting American-European Community Association (Netherlands) of such data in accordance with this privacy statement. If you have questions on privacy issues, please email us at

Data controller

Stichting American-European Community Association (Netherlands), registered in the Netherlands under registration no 41202490 and with its registered address at Thomas R. Malthusstraat 5, 1066 JR Amsterdam is the data controller of any personal data collected through this website, and will process such data if collected in accordance with the Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (“AVG”).

Data collection

We do not collect identifiable personal data or information.

Disclosure to third parties

Our policy is not to share personally identifiable information with any third parties, unless required by law, or unless explicitly requested by a user or otherwise as set out in this section. We recognise that such information is valuable and we take all reasonable measures to protect your information while it is in our care.


We have implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personally identifiable data and information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. In particular, we ensure that all appropriate confidentiality obligations and technical and organisational security measures are in place to prevent any unauthorised or unlawful disclosure or processing of such information and data and the accidental loss or destruction of or damage to such information and data.


Should users subsequently choose to unsubscribe from mailing lists or any registrations, we will provide instructions, on the appropriate webpage or in communications to our users, or a user may contact by email to

Cookies and log files

We use small text files called ‘cookies’ which are placed on your hard drives to assist in providing a more customised website experience. Site statistics are compiled by third parties, and therefore your IP address will be passed to third parties for statistical reporting only.
The use of cookies is now standard operating procedure for most websites. However if you are uncomfortable with the use of cookies, most browsers now permit users to opt-out of receiving them. After termination of the visit to our site, you can always delete the cookie from your system if you wish.