Mirjam van Praag

Mirjam van Praag is President of the Executive Board of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (since 2018). She holds a part time position as professor of Entrepreneurship at the Copenhagen Business School. Mirjam is a member of the supervisory board of De Nederlandsche Bank and The Bankraad, is vice chair of the supervisory board of the Anne Frank Stichting, and a (non-exec) board member of Pharmaccess. Mirjam is a member of the Royal Dutch Society of Sciences (KNAW), Academia Europaea and a CEPR fellow.

Mirjam was trained as an econometrician (Msc, UvA, 1991, cum laude) and received her PhD (econ, UvA, 1996, cum laude), and became a professor at the UvA in 2005. As such she founded the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) and was a Crown Member of the Social and Economic Council (SER, 2010-2018). Prior to that, Mirjam was employed with The Boston Consulting Group, Procter & Gamble and GFK Intomart.